ERP as a Black Box

Any BuilderChain member’s ERP, CRM or can be wrapped with an automation layer, using Foundry and Self-Operating Computer techniques to operate much of the traditional tasks conducted by humans.

All human interaction on the Builderchain network is conducted using the Builderchain network interface. The ERP app becomes a passive repository.

The important takeaway here is although there are multiple user interfaces, each with their own licensing structure, all of these user interfaces act on the same database, in this case the enterprise-class, industrial grade Microsoft Dataverse.

We are not attempting to have “sourcing and procurement” originate on a customer’s ERP and then have it update the Builderchain network.

We have all human “sourcing and procurement” activities originate on the Builderchain network using Builderchain “Network Tools” and then update the ERP passively via automated workflows.

 This is a strategy, not a technological limitation.

The important takeaway here is although there are multiple user interfaces, each with their own licensing structure, all of these user interfaces act on the same database, in this case the enterprise-class, industrial grade Microsoft Dataverse.

Visual RPA 

Unlike the complexity and administratively burdensome Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Builderchain is developing a vision-based AI Agent that works at the operation system level. We are integrated with OpenAI's GPT-4v (Vision) as our default multimodal model. This allows for the maximum context and adaptability as it interacts with legacy business applications and websites.

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AI Agent Swarms

The AI era represents a shift from code to settings and from deterministic to probabilistic.  At the business model level, these structural changes will play out at the operational "production level" rather than simply a distribution advantage.

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