Platform Mantra

Welcome to the first construction industry network platform built from the ground up using the latest, next generation technologies and techniques to achieve new levels of efficiency and productivity. "

You will find what are true Ontology 'network layer' construction industry tools.

This is only achieved by carefully applying blockchain and smart contract technology where maximum BUSINESS VALUE is the primary objective.  

These tools are not legacy standalone applications or point solutions, but tools designed from the ground up to work most effectively in a highly collaborative, business environment, where seamless cross-organizational data and workflows operate in a manner not previously available.

We are here for the automation

How best to remove complexity? By requiring the least amount of human intervention as possible.

Every day we work hard to achieve new levels of productivity for our customers and industry. And not only for the individual company, although we achieve that goal in spades, but the entire project supply chain and all construction project participants. We achieve that with an industry network and platform that incorporates powerful workflow automation tools and the latest in blockchain and smart contract technology.

Our approach is driven by the design and perfection of the workflow process. And when we say workflows, we also mean the unique ability to orchestrate cross-organizational workflows with the same ease as internal company workflows were achieved in the past.

​ "We are at an inflection point in the next industrial revolution. And that revolution is the WEB3 era, where the internet can now transfer secured value as easily as it could transfer information from a previous era 25 years ago. All businesses will need to fully achieve digital transformation."

​Too many tools. Too much complexity.

​Our platform is specifically designed to remove complexity while still providing real and significant business value.

Our process management tools are available to be assigned in the manner that works best for you. These NETWORK-based tools, available to you at no additional charge, can be assigned to your company, to an individual, an outsourced participant, or even to a Neighborhood group that facilitates unique collaborative value.

What's important in removing that complexity is the option to remove the tool as soon as you are through using it, but still maintain the data, including all dashboard and detail screens needed to still consume that data and intelligence. And if needed in the future, the tool can be quickly added upon demand, even for accessing past data scopes.

​Our objective is to remove the entire 'user licensing' total cost burden, which includes the complexity of administration and maintenance of those licenses, cloud-based or not."

Our fees are based on when you realize revenue, not before.