Intelligent, Rules-Based Product Configurator

The Power of BuilderChain’s Intelligent Configurator:
Elevating Construction with Dynamic BOMs and Smart Resource Creation

In today’s competitive construction industry, the ability to configure, estimate, and deliver products with precision and efficiency is crucial for success. BuilderChain’s intelligent, rules-based product configurator, powered by Palantir’s advanced capabilities and integrated with our operational ontology, revolutionizes how construction projects are managed. This powerful configurator not only enhances your ability to generate accurate configurations but also simplifies your business processes, reduces complexity, and drives operational excellence across the entire project lifecycle.

Dynamic Bills of Material: Ensuring Accuracy and Efficiency

BuilderChain’s configurator excels in dynamically generating customized Bills of Material (BOMs) for every product configuration. Leveraging sophisticated rules and logic, the configurator ensures that every BOM is tailored to the unique requirements of each project, eliminating the errors and inefficiencies associated with manual BOM creation.

Logic-Based BOM Generation: The configurator uses easy-to-implement logic to determine which items should be included in the BOM based on the specific configuration. This logic can incorporate equations for calculating square footage, length, or any other required unit of measure, ensuring that every BOM is accurate and aligned with the project’s needs.

Multiple BOM Formats: Flexibility is key, and BuilderChain supports multiple BOM formats for each configuration. Whether you need a sales BOM with pricing and item quantities or a manufacturing BOM with detailed costs and assembly instructions, the configurator delivers. These BOMs can be viewed, edited, and adjusted directly from the quote or order interface, providing your team with the necessary information to proceed confidently.

Smart Routings for Manufacturing: The configurator also generates smart routings that provide step-by-step manufacturing instructions tailored to each configuration. These routings compile a list of included items and calculate the setup and assembly time for each step, ensuring your shop floor operates with maximum efficiency and precision.

Automated Part Creation and Seamless ERP Integration

Beyond BOM generation, BuilderChain’s configurator automates the creation of resources including item masters and parts, as an integral part of the configuration process. This automation not only saves time but also ensures consistency and accuracy across all configurations, further enhancing operational efficiency.

Automated Resource Creation: The configurator automates resource creation, generating records for unique dimensions and feature combinations. It checks for existing items before creating new ones, ensuring that existing items are reused whenever possible. This reduces duplication, minimizes waste, and streamlines inventory management.

Seamless ERP Integration: BuilderChain’s configurator integrates seamlessly with your existing ERP system, ensuring that it always uses the most up-to-date item information for every configuration. This integration supports item substitution, replacement, and the management of complex item sets, such as those composed of multiple items or phantom items. By keeping your ERP system synchronized with the latest configuration data, BuilderChain ensures smooth and efficient operations across the entire supply chain.

Special Option Requests: The configurator allows customers to submit special requests for engineered-to-order products. Users can define their exact needs, include comments, and submit these requests for review. Once approved, these special requests can be added to the BOM as new items, ensuring that even the most complex and customized projects are handled with ease. 

Visualization and Rule-Based Interfaces: Enhancing User Experience and Reducing Errors

 BuilderChain’s configurator not only excels in back-end processes but also enhances the user experience with advanced visualization options and a rules-based interface. These features ensure that every configuration is both visually accurate and aligned with your product’s design requirements.

Visualization Options: Customers can see what their configuration will look like in real-time as each option is selected, allowing for immediate adjustments and ensuring that the final product meets their expectations. This visual feedback reduces the likelihood of errors and improves customer satisfaction.

Rules-Based Interface: The configurator’s interface includes a variety of tools to ensure that each configuration meets your product’s design requirements. Options can be limited based on other selections, and features can be automatically selected or eliminated, guiding users through the process and ensuring accurate and consistent results every time.

Integrated CAD Automation: Streamlining Design to Production

BuilderChain’s configurator also integrates CAD automation, generating fully configured 3D models, sales drawings, and production drawings in seconds. This automation drastically reduces your quote-to-production lead time and ensures that every design is ready for manufacturing without delay.

Fully Configured CAD Outputs: CAD outputs can be viewed directly in your browser, providing immediate access to fully configured designs that are ready for production. This feature eliminates the need for manual drawing creation and ensures that your designs are accurate, consistent, and aligned with the configured product. 

The Strategic Advantage: Driving Operational Excellence and Reducing Complexity

BuilderChain’s intelligent configurator, powered by Palantir and integrated with our operational ontology, provides a strategic advantage that goes beyond traditional configuration tools. By automating and optimizing product configuration, estimating, and delivery processes, BuilderChain ensures that your projects are executed with precision, efficiency, and agility.

Enhanced Collaboration and Decision-Making: The configurator’s dynamic BOM generation, smart part creation, and CAD automation features enable seamless collaboration across all teams and stakeholders, ensuring that every decision is informed by accurate, real-time data. This fosters better decision-making and leads to more successful project outcomes.

Continuous Improvement and Perpetual Management: The integration of Palantir’s analytics and BuilderChain’s operational ontology ensures that your product configuration processes are continuously refined and optimized. This perpetual management approach drives ongoing improvements in efficiency, reducing costs and enhancing project performance over time. 

Conclusion: Transform Your Construction Operations with BuilderChain

In an industry where precision and efficiency are paramount, BuilderChain’s intelligent, rules-based product configurator offers a transformative solution. By leveraging advanced features like dynamic BOMs, automated part creation, visualization options, and CAD automation, BuilderChain enables construction companies to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and deliver projects with greater precision and speed.

Embrace the future of construction management with BuilderChain’s intelligent configurator and experience the transformative benefits of a platform that is as dynamic and adaptable as the industry it serves.