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ERP as a Black Box

Any BuilderChain member’s ERP, CRM or can be wrapped with an automation layer, using Foundry and Self-Operating Computer techniques to operate much of the traditional tasks conducted by humans.

ERP as a Black Box 1

ERP as a Black Box 2

ERP as a Black Box 3

Self-Operating Computer 

Unlike the complexity and administratively burdensome Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Builderchain is developing a vision-based AI Agent that works at the operation system level. We are integrated with OpenAI's GPT-4v (Vision) as our default multimodal model.

This allows for the maximum context and adaptability as it interacts with legacy business applications and websites.

AutoGPT Agents

The AI era represents a shift from code to settings and from deterministic to probabilistic.  At the business model level, these structural changes will play out at the operational "production level" rather than simply a distribution advantage.